Claire Briffa

Claire Briffa
29th August 2020 MPO Marketing

Claire Briffa

Project Administrator

Prior to joining the MPO, what did it represent to you? 

As I am very fond of music, I had been following the MPO, lately also introducing the orchestra to my 11 year old son.

The MPO’s history always fascinates me, reminiscing back to when it was called the Manoel Theatre Orchestra.

Can you delineate your role within the orchestra? 

I am involved in the Operations Department of the MPO.  We have to be hands-on all the time to meet the needs of the musicians and set-up for concerts.

In order to attain optimal results, we strive to work together as a team, requiring much planning and preparation. Yet, requiring a degree of flexibility.

My duties range from administrative work, to hosting foreign musicians to ushering the audience at concerts. I do not mind this variety of duties at all, as long as I see people enjoying the performances!

What do you cherish most from the MPO’s concerts? 

I cherish each and every moment during performances! Concerts allow me to appreciate our musicians’ musical aptitudes whilst bearing in mind the hard work entailed to attain the final result.

As the saying goes, “hard work pays off”.

How would you describe music? 

In one phrase for sure: “Music was my first love, and it will be my last”. 

I simply cannot imagine my life without music.